Tarot Salon
Now at the Historic Eagle House Hotel
What is Tarot Salon?
Tarot Salon is an in-person event that aims to build community amongst tarot readers and the tarot curious. It's a monthly gathering that gives readers of all levels the opportunity to deepen their practice.
Who is leading the Salon?
The salon is hosted by Geneva Elise, professional tarot reader, yoga instructor, and educator. Geneva has been reading for clients since 2020 and has been hosting salons since 2023. She believes everyone should have an intuitive practice and loves creating opportunities for people to deepen their connection with themselves and their higher power. ​
What to expect?
Each salon will begin with an opening ritual and meditation for the group. You will be invited to reflect on your individual practice and encouraged to look at the tarot through a particular lens (some examples from past salons have included numerology, astrology, and somatics). In the last half of the salon we will break into pairs and practice reading for another person. The 1:1 readings facilitate deep connection and give everyone the opportunity to share their wisdom and hone their intuitive gifts. You can also expect delightful refreshments and lovely ambiance. It's always recommended that you bring a deck, a journal, and something to write with. There will be additional decks available should you need to use one.
Who is Tarot Salon for?
Anyone who has an interest or curiosity about the tarot is welcome to attend. Whether you're a professional reader or a novice that has yet to own their own deck, you are welcome and sure to find value in attending. Reading tarot is an evolving practice that is never mastered. The wisdom of the cards changes and shifts as we do, and the insight we can gain only increases when we practice reading with others. ​

Holly Hilgenberg and Geneva Elise hosting 12/13 Tarot Salon at the Humboldt Bay Social Club

Tarot Salon in its previous location at The Sunshine Prophecy in Oakland, CA

Holly Hilgenberg and Geneva Elise hosting 12/13 Tarot Salon at the Humboldt Bay Social Club